This title, found in the Z shelves of our library, summarizes books addressing everything from creativity and personal organization to business leadership and business biography. If one of your goals is to read more non-fiction and business titles, but you don't know where to start, this little gem is for you.
Find it on the lower level at Z 7164 C81 C85 2011. For those of you dying to know, "Z" is the Library of Congress' letter designating books covering bibliography, library science, and information resources.
The DCCCD college libraries own at least 82 of the titles mentioned; you can see the list at the Richland College Library WorldCat lists page.
About our book collection
The library is constantly working to select and purchase hard-copy books to support the Richland College curriculum and students' needs.
Not only does this mean the librarians are putting new items on the shelves, but it means that we are regularly working to relabel and repair our older titles or send away books that are no longer used.
This process, much like weeding and feeding a lawn, helps us to highlight what is relevant, fresh, and fun. When we see hidden gems in the stacks, we would like our students, faculty, and staff to come check them out.
The Richland College Library has some 75,000 books for checking out, so there are plenty to go around. Come on over to the library and head to the lowest level to see what treasure you might discover.
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